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In the Customer Value Club on October 8th, 2021, the star guest was Minna Nissinen, the recently appointed Director of Business Development at Attendo, discussing the influence of culture on customer value.

Minna Nissinen’s career can be described through four qualifiers: finance, strategy, business development, and board work. Minna has experienced various industries and has been instrumental in shaping corporate culture at places like Alma Media and Kotipizza. Prior to her role as Director of Business Development at Attendo, she worked as a Strategy and Finance Director at Touhula Daycare, where debt restructuring certainly didn’t make her work any easier.

In the Customer Value Club, Minna explores the significance of culture in building customer value. Is permission needed to build customer value?

Story and Truth

Minna likens culture to an iceberg, where the visible peak on the surface reflects how a company portrays its own culture. The submerged part encompasses what might not be evident, for instance, by examining strategic documents: how the company actually operates. There is often a gap between these two aspects. “If one wants to ascertain whether the customer is truly at the core and center of the corporate culture, one must delve beneath the surface,” Minna describes.

In the recording, Minna also touches on topics such as:

How to identify a company culture that creates customer value?

What role does the board play in building a customer value-driven culture?

How is a customer value-driven culture maintained and developed in challenging situations, such as a company undergoing debt restructuring?

The recording is in Finnish.